District Connection: Residence and Employment in East Herts

Your application can be awarded points for having either a residence or employment District connection with East Herts, but not for both.

Residence: 50 POINTS will be awarded if your application meets one of the following conditions, proof will be required:-

• The applicant is currently a resident in the area and has lived in the area continuously for the presiding 12 months. Points given - 50

• The applicant is owed a duty under Part VII of the Housing Act 1996 by East Herts Council
Points given - 50

• The applicant is an elderly person (over 60 years) and has lived in East Herts for 10 years at any time in the past and has a close relative residing (defined as parents, adult children or adult brothers or sisters), currently residing who has been resident continuously for a period of at least 5 years prior to the date of the application.
Points given – 50

Employment: 30 Points will be awarded if your application meets the following conditions, proof will be required:

• The applicant is working, for at least 16 hours per week, for a company in East Herts and has done so for at least one year.
Points given – 30

Other Residency: The applicant lives outside East Herts and has parents, adult children or brothers or sisters who currently reside and have been resident continuously for the preceding 5 years.
Points given - 20